Fastest and easy way to find the Your Adangal, Village Adangal, your 1-B, Village 1-B and other land information of Andhra Pradesh Land.
Using Andhra Pradesh Land Records App user can search their land records like jamabandi, ROR 1-B, village map, pahani records, etc. This app has some other features like Village map and related land information. After the see the record you can save those record as pdf with the help of print manager that is used here.
Key features - Find Andhra Pradesh Land Records Adangal, 1-B for both (your and village), village map of Andhra Pradesh and many others.
How to use 'Andhra Pradesh Land Records' App?
1) Select District / జిల్లాను ఎంచుకోండి
2) Select Zone / జోన్ ఎంచుకోండి
3) Select Village / గ్రామాన్ని ఎంచుకోండి
4) Enter Account No. or survey No. / ఖాతా నంబర్ లేదా సర్వే నంబర్ నమోదు చేయండి.
Declaimer -
* We are not affiliated with any Andhra Pradesh Land Records office. All land record information is publicly available on the Andhra Pradesh Land Record website. We act as a bridge to make this information easily accessible through our app.
* You can view the land records only if it is registered with the Andhra Pradesh digital portal
* This is not the Official App of Andhra Pradesh. This App is designed to provide useful information and contents only. The contents of the App is not belong to the Developer and the developer is no way concerned with contents of the App.
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